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Akamai Technologies, Inc.

Identity and Access Management


  • Change the way that permissions are assigned. The current method only allows one permission per acccount. This design is to allow multiple permissions to be assigned per an account.

  • A shopping cart metaphor is used to allow the user to select more than one permission in different categories.

  • The shopping cart list shows the permissions as they are being added and also can determine if they are used in multiple categories.

  • Once the modal overlay is saved the Roles permission summary list is updated on the main page.

We tested this prototype with multiple users with great success.

  • Users loved that they could assign multiple permissions.

  • Users understood the shopping cart metaphor without instruction or prompting.

  • We also learned that the way we were displaying permissions used in multiple categories was not immediately perceived by all users. Some understood, others didn't. Continued work was planned for that feature.

Identity and Access Management, Settings

Most of the projects that I worked on at Akamai required a lot of business rule logic. The Settings page is a great example.

Most of the sections are simple launchers of another process. The processes varied based on permissions.

The Authentication section, while simple, has several dependent modes. There are 12 different modes that must be considered.

Information logic and dependent workflows are representative of some of my Akamai projects.

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