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Upland Software - PowerSteering (SaaS)

Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) software
PowerSteering v. 11

Upland Software purchased 6 different companies in 2011 and 2012. I along with designers and product managers was assigned the task of designing a common User Interface for all the Upland family applications.



  • Consistent look and feel for the header and navigation sections. Content would vary in the center content section, but adhere to a general style guide

  • Use 100% of the screen width for better display of tables

  • Move navigation to the left and top of the page to enhance visibility and expose all commands

  • Personalize the log-in details

  • Update existing content to the new style guide

PowerSteering v. 9

When I started at PowerSteering this design was in place. I maintained this design until v. 11 that was released in 2014.


  • Fixed width that did not take advantage of wide screen displays

  • Icon-based horizontal navigation with similar icons and hidden sub-menus

  • Work-arounds to display large tables full-screen, but at the sacrifice of navigation access

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